airflow-init: <<:*airflow-common entrypoint:/bin/bash command: --c -| function ver() { printf "%04d%04d%04d%04d" $${1//./ } } airflow_version=$$(AIRFLOW__LOGGING__LOGGING_LEVEL=INFO && gosu airflow airflow version) airflow_version_comparable=$$(ver $${airflow_version}) min_airflow_version=2.2.0 min_airflow_version_comparable=$$(ver $${min_airflow_version}) if (( airflow_version_comparable < min_airflow_version_comparable )); then echo echo -e "\033[1;31mERROR!!!: Too old Airflow version $${airflow_version}!\e[0m" echo "The minimum Airflow version supported: $${min_airflow_version}. Only use this or higher!" echo exit 1 fi if [[ -z "${AIRFLOW_UID}" ]]; then echo echo -e "\033[1;33mWARNING!!!: AIRFLOW_UID not set!\e[0m" echo "If you are on Linux, you SHOULD follow the instructions below to set " echo "AIRFLOW_UID environment variable, otherwise files will be owned by root." echo "For other operating systems you can get rid of the warning with manually created .env file:" echo " See:" echo fi one_meg=1048576 mem_available=$$(($$(getconf _PHYS_PAGES) * $$(getconf PAGE_SIZE) / one_meg)) cpus_available=$$(grep -cE 'cpu[0-9]+' /proc/stat) disk_available=$$(df / | tail -1 | awk '{print $$4}') warning_resources="false" if (( mem_available < 4000 )) ; then echo echo -e "\033[1;33mWARNING!!!: Not enough memory available for Docker.\e[0m" echo "At least 4GB of memory required. You have $$(numfmt --to iec $$((mem_available * one_meg)))" echo warning_resources="true" fi if (( cpus_available < 2 )); then echo echo -e "\033[1;33mWARNING!!!: Not enough CPUS available for Docker.\e[0m" echo "At least 2 CPUs recommended. You have $${cpus_available}" echo warning_resources="true" fi if (( disk_available < one_meg * 10 )); then echo echo -e "\033[1;33mWARNING!!!: Not enough Disk space available for Docker.\e[0m" echo "At least 10 GBs recommended. You have $$(numfmt --to iec $$((disk_available * 1024 )))" echo warning_resources="true" fi if [[ $${warning_resources} == "true" ]]; then echo echo -e "\033[1;33mWARNING!!!: You have not enough resources to run Airflow (see above)!\e[0m" echo "Please follow the instructions to increase amount of resources available:" echo "" echo fi mkdir -p /sources/logs /sources/dags /sources/plugins chown -R "${AIRFLOW_UID}:0" /sources/{logs,dags,plugins} exec /entrypoint airflow version environment: <<:*airflow-common-env _AIRFLOW_DB_UPGRADE:'true' _AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_CREATE:'true' _AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_USERNAME:${_AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_USERNAME:-airflow} _AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_PASSWORD:${_AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_PASSWORD:-airflow} _PIP_ADDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS:'' user:"0:0" volumes: -${AIRFLOW_PROJ_DIR:-.}:/sources healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "[ -f /opt/airflow/airflow-initialized ]"] interval:5s retries:50